Edward never likes to play with the gun that hubby bought him months ago. The most that he’ll only carries it for a while & throws it on the floor. But to my surprise when my mom told me that Edward play with the gun which has abundant aside for so long by pressing the gear to make the shooting sound. My mom even told me that he’ll raise his hand to show the sign of “stop” after he stops pressing the gear. When his gun making the shooting sound, he said ”Pank! Pank! Pank!” Wah……….he has really grown up a lot! He knows the shooting sound should be “pank”. I’m so happy with this little achievement as I seldom teach him with books nor any flash card.The only thing that i do most is watching Barney with his during his meal time. Normally ,let him play most of the night or bring him shopping when daddy is free. (blame me on my laziness!i have wasted 17months already)=
I think this is the right time starting to teach my son, or else I’ll regret later. I told myself to spend more time with him so that he’ll love mummy more!(hahaha!)