19 April, 2008

My Little Pride

I was so proud to tell my hubby that I'll start blogging from now onwards.I told him that he must visit my blog everyday to catch the progress of our lovely son, Edward.Edward has become our major topics of conversation since he coming to this wonderful world.He is our pride!I think every parents treasure their children as well.

I never use computer after work as I'm poor in computer knowledge.i seldom email my friends too.I feel lazy to learn as well.But now, I'm trying very hard to learn.I think my hubby will start busier than before as I'll keep on asking my hubby whenever i facing problem using computer.

My hubby is a very "old" thinking ppl.He told me that i cannot post any picture of our families to the blog.I think he's scared of somebody may do some amendment to the picture.(ha ha)I don't think so cos we are not celebrities or famous politician.But anyway, i respect my hubby decision as he's the head of our family.
My dear Edward, will you proud of mummy?????

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