13 June, 2008

Waiting for daddy

Today we are not going back to Butterworth as mummy has to work tomorrow. That’s what I hate most. Furthermore, tomorrow is Father’s Day! I’m wondering how if I’m not working tomorrow. geee…….. better don’t dream that early………….slap slap slap…..

Hubby is going to have durian with his customer at Uncle Peng Siew’s farm after work. Therefore, daddy will not be home early for his dinner. (mummy & Edward miss daddy so much)!

Edward was a bit out of mood, he doesn’t want to play & frequently make noise in his walker. I wonder why he behaves like this as he seldom shows this before. However, mummy’s trying to make all sorts of funny face to cheer up my little darling. Around 9.30pm, we get Edward a change. Then, it’ll normally proceed to milking time. After having his milk, we try to put him into his cradle. But, he doesn’t want to sleep at all. He wails out his lung again & again! Therefore, I have no choice but to carry him out from the cradle. I saw him looking to the door where my hubby hang his clothes, there only I know this little fella miss his daddy so much! oh, poor baby! (your daddy always busy with work that makes you hardly see him but the bond between two of you are so strong)

When daddy calling home to inform me that he’s going to be late as he need to send his customer back, I tell him the whole incidents. I tell my poor Edward that he must sleep 1st while waiting for daddy. I’m doing the same as before by bringing him to his daddy’s clothes & let him get the smell of it. After awhile, there only he’s willing to sleep. If not, mummy still cannot update my blog right now!

Another message to daddy:-

Your son really misses you! I think you better get yourself a day free to accompany your son if you really love him. Weekend itself is no longer enough for your little demander!

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