22 May, 2008

Planning for holiday

Don’t be mistaken that I’m soon to off for vacation. Surely not me, since hubby said that we must wait until Edward is big enough & able to get rid of his cradle, then only there are vacation for us. Furthermore, hubby was really too busy with his business recently. Ok, back to my topic. Actually, my mother is the one planning for vacation. She takes leaves from me by asking me to take care of Edward when she’s on vacation. It’s good too for my mother to go for vacation since she is still able to walk around. She must enjoy herself too. I think I’ll pay for my mother’s vacation since she is taking care of my son for free. I appreciate those sacrifices of my mother & aunty as both of them not only take good care of me but my son as well. Thank you, both of you were the best in my life.

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